Monday, May 17, 2010

The Doping of America: A Patients’ and Doctors’ Guide

It's not often I post on Big Pharma, because I see this blog serving more of a 'food based' WOW perspective, but if you really knew what was going on behind the scenes, that Big Pharma is also trying to control your food, you would see how Big Pharma needs to be addressed in a Word of Wisdom discussion as well.

Here is a great article I am referencing in this post. You know, I started witnessing what this article discribes years ago first hand. If you pay attention, you'll see it, too.

Because I've been teaching a vaccination class since 2000, I'm pretty up to date on what vaccines are being worked on. It takes (or should take anyway) years for a vaccine to be created, tested, approved by the FDA and then available to the public.

Throughout the many years of teaching this class, I'd inform the students of the vaccines 'in the works'. The ones where I got the biggest reactions and laughs from were what I called the 'lifestyle vaccines', ones where you didn't need a vaccine to prevent the illness at all, just some self discipline and knowledge. These included:

Cancers of ALL kinds
Drug Addiction
Contraceptive Vaccines

In fact, many delivery method are also being experimented with, including delivering the vaccine via a cigarette, a tattoo, and in our food supply. I know many people didn't believe me on some or all counts. It all sounded too ridiculous and far fetched.

Well, true to the AMA's and big pharma's marketing form, last week I started hearing one, then two, then three snippets:

"The bacteria that causes cavities may have been identified. Scientists are looking at developing a vaccine to fight it."

Looking at?!!! It's done, it's here. That vaccine is in the approval stages. And soon to be on your child's recommended vaccination schedule, alongside our newest lifestyle vaccine Gardisil. Who knows, one day it may be 'required' for your child to get a contraceptive vaccine before entering high school. Don't think it could happen? Well, a few short years ago people didn't think the cavity vaccine would happen, a few short years before that, they certainly didn't think an STD vaccine would be required for school entrance.

Wake up people, you are being played in the most deceiving way. When you read this article you will see just how carefully you are being played, and what a good player you've become.

The more in harmony you become with living the Word of Wisdom, the more clearly you will see what designs the conspiring men in the last days are using. It will be obvious to you. But unless you commit to live your life in accordance with the Lord's will, you will be blind to what is going on right under your nose.

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