Wednesday, June 9, 2010

E is for Eggwashing, Of Organics Even

Here is a great expose on egg washing, you will be shocked!

Honestly, can't a person catch a break around here?

It's frustrating, but not surprising, that even organic eggs are subject to adulteration. What's a health junkie to do?

Buy local if you can.

I am so grateful I have 3 local egg producers within 5-10 minutes of me, and I have seen the difference in my eggs!

Yes, that hard shell is porous and whatever you put on it, or soak the eggs in, gets into your egg.

I think our grandparents and great grandparents would be embarrassed to call what we eat today 'food'.

Granted, it's just the fulfilling of prophecy, but it is becoming exhausting to keep on top of it all. Now when our eggs aren't even just eggs, everything becomes suspect.


  1. Seriously! As if learning that some producers (even organic) can house their chickens with screens so that they are getting "fresh air" and call them free range isn't worry enough? Anymore, almost everything that is in our grocery stores is suspect. Homegrown & local seems to be the only increasing chance we have for quality and health! I need to get myself some chickens to raise. Thanks for the post, I hadn't read that before.

  2. I SO want my own chickens!!!!
